Before and after of cosmetic dentistry

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Covered By Insurance? Here’s How Dental Insurance Works

While restorative dental work is considered medically necessary, cosmetic dentistry is not considered a medical necessity by insurance companies. However, there is an exception when it comes to this rule.

Elective dental work, such as correcting a congenital tooth gap or teeth whitening, is not considered medically necessary and will likely not be covered by insurance.

Yet, restorative procedures, like repairing a broken tooth or extracting a diseased tooth, are medically necessary. Depending on your circumstances, you might need cosmetic and restorative procedures, which is when insurance can seem difficult to navigate.

Is Cosmetic Dental Work Covered By Insurance?

Many dental insurance companies consider cosmetic dentistry an elective, mainly because it is not medically necessary for cosmetic dental work. While insurance will cover some or all of your restorative procedures, it usually does not cover cosmetic procedures.

If you want to know if your dental insurance covers cosmetic dentistry, there are specific procedures that can be partially covered by your insurance. Some dental treatments not only help to improve your smile but they restore your oral health. Some dental procedures that can fall under your coverage include:

Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth. These can be considered cosmetic since they correct your smile, but they also help to preserve bone tissue in your jaw, making them medically necessary.

Implants can help prevent you from losing more teeth in the future. If you have tooth decay, implants help your gums to become healthy again and improve your oral health.

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns help enhance your smile’s appearance by covering up your damaged teeth with porcelain. The porcelain looks natural and is custom-made to match the color of your teeth and helps protect and restore your damaged or weak teeth.


Veneers are custom-made shells that fit over the front surfaces of your teeth. Patients often choose veneers solely for cosmetic reasons, but sometimes they are a medical necessity. If your enamel has worn down, veneers can help repair your tooth’s structure and prevent any further damage.

Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding is a procedure that uses tooth-colored composite resin to enhance your smile. It is typically considered a cosmetic procedure but can be regarded as restorative because the resin is applied to a cavity to repair the decayed tooth.

Why Cosmetic Dentistry May Not Be Covered

Your insurance may not cover cosmetic dentistry because it is often considered an elective procedure, meaning it is not medically necessary for your oral health.

However, some cosmetic procedures, such as porcelain crowns, can benefit oral health as they protect and restore damaged teeth. If your dentist deems your procedure a medical necessity, your insurance can partially cover it.

What Is the Difference Between a Cosmetic and Regular Dentist?

Regular dentists do dental cleanings, routine exams, oral cancer screenings, and treat discomfort-related problems. Some typical general dentistry procedures include fillings, extractions, and root canal work. General dentists may even offer treatment for gingivitis or periodontitis.

Cosmetic dentists are mainly concerned about the appearance of your teeth. Cosmetic dentists usually offer teeth whitening, composite bonding, dental veneers, inlays, and onlays. Their main goal is to help create a symmetrical, balanced, and aesthetically pleasing smile.

What Insurances Cover Cosmetic Dentistry?

Depending on your dental insurance plan, you may have coverage for certain cosmetic dental procedures. Many dental insurances offer coverage for dental implants, but it is not usually 100 percent covered.

Additionally, you may get coverage for other cosmetic work, such as porcelain crowns or veneers, if your dentist deems it medically necessary and informs your insurance that you need the work done for medical reasons.

How to Get Cosmetic Dentistry Financing If Your Insurance Doesn’t Cover It

If you do not have insurance for cosmetic dentistry, we can help. We understand that the cost of cosmetic dental work can be out of your budget or more than you can currently afford.

Our practice offers all-in-one pricing, covering your entire treatment plan, from evaluation to post-op checks. The exact cost of your procedure will be determined during your free consultation. We provide third-party financing for cosmetic dentistry options to help accommodate your budget.


Depending on your dental insurance, you might have coverage for certain cosmetic dental procedures.

One of the most common cosmetic procedures, dental implants, are often partially covered by insurance. However, other cosmetic work, such as porcelain crowns or veneers, can be covered if it is medically necessary for your oral health.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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