Graphic showing dentures vs implants

Dentures vs Implants: Which Is the Best Option?

Not only are missing teeth unhealthy for your mouth but having missing teeth can affect your self-esteem. You have a couple of options when planning to replace one or more of your missing teeth.

Whether you choose dentures vs implants depends on several factors, such as preference, cost, and the health of your remaining teeth and jawbone. Dentures and implants each have pros and cons, so it is essential to be informed before making such an important decision.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures are removable prosthetic teeth that can be fitted to your mouth, regardless of your jawbone health. Dentures can either be complete sets to replace all of your missing teeth, or they can be made to replace a few missing teeth.

When you have dentures to replace only a few missing teeth, it is called a partial denture. You will need an impression of the upper and lower gums to get fitted for dentures.

When you get your dentures, they should look like your natural teeth. They are held in place using an adhesive that bonds to your gums and must be taken out at night.

What Are Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth designed to replace missing teeth. They are surgically placed into your jawbone, serving as the roots of the missing teeth. A titanium post is inserted into your jawbone, creating an anchor for your replacement tooth.

Implants can replace single or multiple teeth and are more similar to natural teeth than dentures. Implants are designed to last a lifetime. However, some patients are not good candidates for dental implants if their jawbone is unhealthy and cannot handle a bone graft.

Dentures vs Implants Pros & Cons

There are pros and cons of dentures vs implants, which can impact your decision on which option is best for you.

Pros of Dentures

  • Affordable
  • Can improve smile and appearance
  • Easy to remove and put back in
  • No need to worry about gum disease or cavities
  • It can help with chewing and speaking

Cons of Dentures

Pros of Dental Implants

  • Behave like natural teeth
  • Prevent bone loss
  • It can last a lifetime
  • Easy to take care of
  • The procedure is easy and effective

Cons of Dental Implants

  • Many dental insurances do not cover the cost of implants
  • You may need to replace your restorations
  • Take a while to heal

Dentures vs Implants Cost

The cost of dentures vs implants can vary widely, as the average cost of a complete set of dentures in the United States is between $1,000 and $3,000, and the average cost of implants is up to $2,000 per tooth.

Many cosmetic dentists, such as Cosmetic Dental Implant Solutions, offer flexible financing options to help make the cost of implants more affordable. Dental implants cost more upfront but can last a lifetime with proper care. Dentures are typically more affordable upfront, but one must be replaced every five to seven years.

While the cost of implants vs dentures is often a deciding factor when choosing which option is best, it is still important to outweigh the pros and cons of each to ensure you are making the right choice.

Dentures vs Implants: FAQs

These are some common dental implants vs dentures questions that can help you make your final decision.

Why do people choose implants over dentures?

Many people choose implants over dentures because implants are a valuable long-term option. They do not need to be replaced, and you care for implants like you would with natural teeth.

Which are less painful dentures or implants?

Implants tend to be less painful in the long run compared to dentures. After your dental implant surgery, your implants will feel like regular teeth. Dentures can irritate your gums and cause pain.

What lasts longer dentures or implants?

Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime, whereas dentures need to be replaced every five to seven years.

Even though the materials used to design dentures are durable and high quality, they still age and show signs of wear and tear. Implants should last a lifetime with regular brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups.

Is it easier to eat with dentures or implants?

It is easier to eat with implants compared to dentures. Even though you may need to avoid hard foods and sweets when recovering from dental implant surgery, there are no limitations on what you can or cannot eat with implants.

You can have a difficult time with dentures and should avoid eating certain foods, such as tough meats, sticky foods, raw vegetables, anything with seeds, chewing gum, and popcorn.

Final Thoughts

While the decision to choose dentures vs dental implants is complicated, the choice may be easier if you know the pros and cons of each. Both dentures and implants are safe and effective for replacing missing teeth, but the costs and chewing ability differ for both.

Find additional frequently asked questions about dental implants here!

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