Beautiful female smile after teeth whitening procedure. Dental care. Dentistry concept.

5 Long-Term Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

There are countless reasons to visit your cosmetic dentist regularly. Consider how a beautiful smile can be infectious among peers.

But there are also countless health reasons why your cosmetic dentist visit is part of a healthy screening regimen.

What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry services? Join us as we explore five long-term health benefits of cosmetic dentistry that you should consider.

A Healthier Heart

It may seem like a stretch to think that the heart and the mouth are in any way related. But consider this: when your teeth build up plaque, sometimes that plaque can break off and be ingested. While not immediately unhealthy, excess plaque build-ups can potentially cause issues throughout the body. Specifically, in the arterial system.

As Harvard Health Publishing notes, plaque can be directly tied to atherosclerosis and can cause coronary arterial disease. Moreover, people with gum disease are two to three times more likely to experience a heart attack, stroke, and more.

So keep those teeth and gums clean with your cosmetic dentist’s help. Your heart will thank you!

Free and Clear Lungs

When you regularly and properly clean your teeth, you also lower your chances of long-term lung disease. That is because cavities and gingivitis are caused by bacteria that can easily be inhaled.

Once in the lungs, that bacteria can spread quickly and imbed itself. Usually, it will wreak havoc on your pulmonary system, causing inflammation, infections, and even long-term damage. Much like with heart health, one of the major pros of cosmetic dentistry is keeping your mouth (and thus your lungs) bacteria-free.

Avoid Cancer Complications

Would you believe us if we told you poor dental health can even cause cancer? It’s true, as Harvard Health Publishing notes.

In a cited study, the two are deeply correlated. Patients with poor oral health and gum disease were 43% more likely to develop esophageal cancer. Moreover, they were 52% more likely to develop stomach cancer.

Cosmetic dental procedures may seem aesthetic, but in truth, they may help save lives. The advantages of cosmetic dentistry may be many, but preventing cancer may be at the top of the list.

Positive Mental Health

Those wondering about what are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry services may just be thinking about the body. But what about your mental health as well? It’s well thought out that mental health and physical health are tied together.

The good news is dental health seems to have a positive effect on mental health and self-perception. An NIH-cited study notes how dental restoration and self-esteem were correlated in study participants.

As you undergo your next cosmetic dentistry procedures, breathe easy. You can feel confident you are doing well for your body and mind.

Lowering Your General Risk Factor

Patients with diabetes and other chronic diseases already have a taxed immune system. The last thing they need is for an oral infection to pile on.

Many of the major cosmetic dentistry benefits are about maintaining a healthy oral ecosystem. By reducing the chances of bacterial infections, rot, and more, patients stand to benefit. Those who suffer from other chronic diseases can help lower their risks of a complication with simple preventative measures.

Healthy Cosmetic Dental Treatments

Truly, one of the major pros of cosmetic dentistry is maintaining your overall health. Everything from your heart to your head stands to benefit. But pro cosmetic dentistry requires a pro cosmetic dentist.

At Cosmetic Dental Implant Solutions, we help patients of all kinds establish beautiful, healthy smiles for life. From porcelain veneers to dental crowns, we can help enhance your smile and your body’s health. Explore all of our dental services at Cosmetic Dental Implant Solutions.

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